
Power Mac G5 - clean custom upgraded  used Mac G5's stock

Here at PowerMac-G5.com we feature custom upgraded refurbished used G5 systems or the components and expertise for you to upgrade yours. Buy used Mac G5's here. Looking for a fast DUAL PROCESSOR used Mac G5 to work in X and Classic OS9? Our refurbished custom upgraded used PowerMac G5's. Need lots of RAM, each unit can hold up to 8GB (4GB's on some earlier units) and when you order it, we match and test the chips! Need large hard drives or even the new super fast and affordable hybrid drives, how about a pair of Large 1, or 2 TB FireCuda Hybrid Hard Drives. SuperDrive? How about a Hitachi/LG 22X DVD Dual Layer Burner! Let us build your Apple Computer G5 to order! We even have the stuff in stock if you want to do it yourself and are happy to help. Call our toll free order line 1-877-639-1543 9-6 CT. Need tech support for your Apple G5? We can help you with your G5 upgrade or sell you a replacement G5 power supply. Call our dedicated tech line at 1-405-601-5288 10-3 CST M-F. Contact Us EMAIL.

Got the old Web Browser Blues? Read Bob's Power Mac G5 Tech Tips - learn how to use later web browsers and more! What is a G5 you ask? It is Apple's most powerful PowerPC processored system, Generation 5.

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We still have OSX Tiger 10.4 or 10.5 available CALL. See our OSX Super Sink DVD chock full of updates, freeware and shareware! See the software section of the store.

G5 Towers at VALUE PRICES!

Your G5 is ready! More in stock.

We set these up to run Classic Mode for your older software! Thinking of replacing your aging PowerMac G4? Cheryn found a supply of G5's and bought them all (3 Pallets). Each of the used but fully refurbished and tested units are in good condition (cases may have scuffs and scratches from normal wear). We outfit the deluxe models with RAM, Larger FASTER Hard Drives and nicely configure them. Prices starting at just $249.77! THESE PRICES INCLUDE DOMESTIC SHIPPING! See the G5 section. after entering the store. We have advanced graphics cards, new Faster LG DVD Burners, Hybrid Hard Drives and more. Our G5 systems no longer include keyboard and mouse but we have a combo deal in the G5 section! Phone to order custom configurations. BELOW ARE FEATURED ITEMS, more selections in the G5 section of our online store!

G5 Towers - Value Prices!

Thinking of replacing your aging PowerMac G4? Run Classic Mode for your older software! CALL or EMAIL FOR A QUOTE! We can special order your G5 and build it to your specs!

Air Cooled
1.8 Ghz

G5 Processor
used PowerMac G5 DUAL Processor Apple Computer

Dual Layer SuperDrive
Burn DVD's*
Burn CD's
Leopard Capable

PowerMac G5 SINGLE 1.8 GHZ

1GB RAM, LARGER 750 GB HD, SuperDrive,
CALL FOR QUOTE Includes Shipping!

RUN Tiger OSX 10.4.11 with 9.2.2 Classic on this Air Cooled G5 Tower. Run 9 in classic mode. This nicely refurbished PCI-X Air Cooled G5 Tower feature a PowerPC 970 SINGLE G5/1.8 ghz Processor, optimized AltiVec "Velocity Engine" vector processing unit and 512k level 2 on-chip cache. We thoroughly test the stock SuperDrive for CD/DVD burning, Refurbished 750GB SATA Hard Drive and include a full 1GB of RAM. This unit also features an NVIDIA 5200 64MB Graphics Card with ADC and DVI. Connectivity includes USB 2.0, FireWire "400" and "800", ADC, DVI (single link), optical digital audio in/out, and support for AirPort Extreme (802.11g) and Bluetooth 1.1 (available options). This model is PCI-X slot. We nicely configured it with Tiger OSX 10.4.11 with all current updates and set up for classic mode so you can run your older software. Software not included available extra. These are Leopard OSX 10.5.8 capable and an option. Keyboard and mouse available extra (see the input section). OSX Super Sink DVD chock full of freeware and shareware. Room for a second drive and more RAM. Our $349.77 Price includes domestic shipping. Add 2GB for $50.00 (call). Larger and or New Hybrid drives available with room for 2 (call). See the Apple Power Mac G5 section. We have a large selection of models in stock! Don't see what you want? We can special order!


Need to run later software? Horsepower for Video Editing, Music Production or just fun at a value price!

Cheryn said why don't we offer our Mac Pro Towers at the same low price but upgrade the hard drives to the NEW Seagate HYBRID Hard Drive. The speed of an SSD Digital Drive with the capacity of a normal drive. Order now and we will automatically upgrade your new 1 Terabyte Hard Drive that we install in our systems to a Seagate Hybrid 1 Terabyte Drive! Also see our 2.8 Quad that is El Capitan capable, with the same FREE HYBRID DRIVE UPGRADE! Want a faster unit? Call!

Used Mac Pro Quad Core on sale now
$549.77 shipped!

NEW 1 Terabyte
Hybrid Hard Drive

Dual Layer DVD Burner

El Capitan

2.8 Quad Core
3.0 EIght Core

Mac Pro Dual Xeon Quad-Core 2.66GHz

2GB RAM, New 1 Terabyte Hybrid HD, DVD Burning SuperDrive,
NVIDIA Geforce 7300GT Graphics, Keyboard & Mouse

TRUCKLOAD SALE! 4 Cores of Processing Power! Lion capable! Nicely updated and configured Mac Pro "Quad Core"! The Mac Pro "Quad Core" 2.66 is powered by two 2.66 GHz dual core Intel Xeon 5150 processors with 4 MB of shared level 2 cache per processor, a 128-bit SSE3 vector engine, and 1.33 GHz "64-bit dual independent frontside buses." We install a NEW Full Speed 7200 rpm 1 Terabyte HYBRID Hard Drive. With 2 GB of DDR2 SDRAM you can expect smooth computing. (Suggest 4GB for Lion) Easily add more hard drives using the four internal hard drive carriers of internal storage! We configure it with 2.0 GB of 667 MHz DDR2 ECC "fully-buffered" FB-DIMM memory (with a heatsink design that is a bit different from generic FB-DIMMs), used tested "SuperDrive", and a NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT video card with 256 MB of GDDR2 SDRAM, one dual-link DVI port and one single-link DVI port. Expansion includes two external 5.25" "optical" bays (one occupied by default), four internal 3.5" "cable-free, direct attach" hard drive bays (three free by default), and four PCIe slots (three free with one graphics card installed). Ports include dual Gigabit Ethernet, five USB 2.0 ports, two Firewire "400" ports, two Firewire "800" ports, and optical digital audio in/out, among others. Snow Leopard preinstalled (software available extra) Mountain Lion capable optional call. We include a Macintosh compatible keyboard and Mouse as well as our OSX Super Sink DVD chock full of freeware and shareware. Add another another 2GB for $99 or 4GB for $145. This unit can hold up to 32 GB of RAM call for more options. Larger or more drives available with room for 3 more. We include a Macintosh compatible keyboard and Mouse as well as our OSX Super Sink DVD chock full of freeware and shareware. Was $899.77 TRUCKLOAD SALE $549.77 and that includes domestic shipping. See the MacProTower section

1st Quarter 2025 Edition
SUPER Kitchen Sink Thumb Drive

EVEN LARGER 64 GB USB Thumb Drive! 2025 Versions IN STOCK NOW! Install the latest updates. I added all the goodies you asked for. Now you can simply load them from the thumb drive or in some cases download them from the links. Categorized, Indexed and Described and most all include links to the download site and the authors web site so you can read more about them. ORDER NOW! Software section of the online store. If you haven't bought one in a while this is a good time to update. Have an iPod, iPad, or iPhone? We now have a directory that has all the utilities in one directory. We also created a Virus.Trojan, Worm directory to make it easier for you to feel safe and even added some Adware removal tools. Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma & Sequoia compatible software now identified.

SPECIAL NOTE: DO OPEN THE INDEX FILES THAT APPEAR AT THE TOP OF EACH FOLDERS DIRECTORY. I have added a MORE THAN A FEW items that there is not room for some on the drive. In this case I linked the direct download link and noted in the description. THERE ARE SOME REAL GEMS listed in the directories for download. Take a look! With the added space I am now including more versions for more OS versions!

We separated the Apple Updates on Thumb Drives to allow you to order only the updates you need. While the updates are free from Apple some are quite large and take a long time to download. Having them on disk saves you time especially if you have more than one Mac. There will likely still be some hardware specific updates you will need to download from Apple to complete your installation.

APPLE UPDATES THUMB DRIVES! These 64 GB Thumb Drives (various colors) allow you to update to the latest version of the OSX version you have installed. We are now selling them separately. If you want to buy a complete set call and speak to Cheryn and she will make you a group deal price. From now on though we will be offering each disk separately at a good price and of course our pricing always includes shipping.

1st Qtr 2025

OSX Super Kitchen Sink Thumb Drive!

SUPER Kitchen Sink Thumb Drive!

EVEN LARGER 64 GB Size! 1st Quarter 2025 Edition OSX Thumb Drive! NOW USB 64 GB Thumb Drive (assorted colors no choice) contains the very best freeware and shareware. Each section is categorized, indexed and includes a nice description for each program with links to the source and author. Chock full of the best shareware and freeware utilities, games, Internet goodies, music, graphics and multimedia, emulators, diagnostics, hard to find drivers, and more, all for OSX (everthing but the Kitchen Sink). I carry this one in my toolbox. This Mac software collection makes it easy to set up your new system or simply update your old one. Quarterly we review all programs and update them. REQUIRES: OSX 10.2 through 15 Sequoia, available USB Port $19.99 including domestic shipping.

The Updates DVD & Thumb Drives are now separated and available!

  • AppleUpdates10.2-10.3-10.4-10.5 DVD $9.99
  • AppleUpdates10.6-10.12 64GB Thumb Drive $19.99
  • AppleUpdates10.13-10.14 64GB Thumb Drive $19.99
  • AppleUpdates10.15 64GB Thumb Drive $19.99
OS8 or 9 2025 Kitchen Sink (1 CD) - $9.99


Upgrade your G4, G5 or MacPro Tower DVD Drive Today! These are bootable drives.

Many of you know that the day would come when no more IDE DVD drives would be available. We fretted over this but did manage to find a good adapter allowing us to use the SATA versions of the drives. We found a FASTER Optiarc SuperDrive and bought a large quantity. They are even faster in the DVD Burning at 24X and CD Burning department at 48X. We are offering a special introductory low price!

Mac compatible 24X Dual Layer SupeDrive for your PowerMac
EZ Pictured Instructions Included
High Sierra Tested
New Optiarc SuperDrive

Burn DVD's and CD's! Tested in OS9.1 up through 10.13 High Sierra! New model supports DVD burns at up to 24X! Dual layer support. These make great replacements for Macintosh G4 Towers Yikes through Mirror Doors, G5 Towers, G4 iMacs, and even eMacs! At $64.77 you can't go wrong. We include pictured instructions, Toast Lite CD burning software and patches to make it OS9 and X compatible. Close to twice the capacity (Dual Layer Capable)! Apple Bootable allows you to boot from emergency disks and any Apple install disks etc. Only Headgap offers compatibility patches and complete pictured instructions. Toast Lite Burning Software, You must supply your own version of Toast for Lion and above. Our $64.77 includes domestic shipping. See the DVD,CD,CDRW section.

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ORDER SECURELY ONLINE! OR give us a call on the toll free order line 877-639-1543 9-6 CST, M-F (405-601-5288 in Oklahoma or outside U.S.) 405-601-5288 tech support NEW FAX 405-445-0796. Remember our bottom line price includes shipping! We stand behind the products we sell with a 30 day warranty less shipping and handling (90 day warranty on systems). Prices subject to change with out notice. Questions? Try our HELP file first. Need hardware help? Read Bob's Mac Tech Tips. Why use reconditioned equipment? See the Mac Comparison Chart! All large orders have to be signed for. Operator Headgap Systems, Inc.,7308 S. Klein OKC, OK 73139 Contact Us. This page only represents a sample of what we stock enter the online store for more selections

Read Bob's Apple Power Mac G5 Tech Tips

PLEASE NOTE: Back in December 2012 we relocated. Our toll free number is the same 1-877-639-1543. Our direct phone lines is 1-405-601-5288 use this line if you are in Canada. Tech Support is 1-405-601-5288. Our new fax line is1-405-445-0796. Please make a note of these changes. Our new address is Operator Headgap Systems, Inc., 7308 S. Klein, OKC, OKLA. 73139. Thank you.

NOTE: It is just me and Cheryn these days. We are usually always a bit behind. Thank you for your patience and continued patronage. Best times to reach us are between 10 am to 3 pm Central Time M-F. We never catch up on messages so if you don't reach us please try again later. I daily check and answer all emails. Use the Contact Us links for the email address. Thanks! Bob.

ABOUT MONITORS: We no longer stock monitors. They have gotten so inexpensive and with the proper adapter, most will work on Macs with no issue. We don't carry ANY CRT monitors. They are heavy to ship and the larger ones are subject to damage in shipping. We recommend you use our low cost Mac to PC monitor adapter (see our monitor section) ). Easily adapt most any PC monitor to your older beige Macintosh including flat panels LCD's. Our Price of $24.99 includes domestic shipping. G3 Blue & White, G4 and above take PC HD15 connections straight up! No adapter needed for those models. We also carry video card upgrades for many models that really improve your systems performance. Our adapters even allow small LCD use with older Mac systems. We have some adapters listed in the store, but if you don't find one for your machine, Call!

ABOUT PRINTERS: We no longer carry any printers. If your machine is USB capable, you can do 1 of 2 things. 1. USB Printers that work in 9 are harder to find. Try https://midwestlaserspecialists.com/ . They carry a wide selection of refurbished HP printers, many of which will work with Macs. 2. Many of our customers are using PrintToPDF to output their 9 pages to a file and then move them to a more modern system to print.    See my tech tips printer section for more tips: http://resale.headgap.com/bobsmactips.html#print 

ABOUT MODEMS: We have internal modems for many different models. We also have a few used serial modems. See the modem section of our online store. Zoom makes a 56K USB Modem Model 3095, that will work with your system. It works with older classic OSes from 9.2 (and probably 8.6 if you manually install the CCL) up to 10.6 although you will have to likely manually install some components.

MAC REPAIR & UPGRADES: Want to repair or update your old (out of warranty) Mac and don't know how? Send us your old system and let us install any of the items we sell. Add processor upgrades, optimize your existing processor, more ram, larger drives, or perhaps an internal burner. We also professionally install all Apple Macintosh OS versions including OSX and update it to the latest versions from Apple. We also test, and thoroughly clean inside and out. Give us a call or email us with your particulars.

  • We repair out of warranty laptops at fair prices.
  • We also provide low level hard drive recovery at reasonable rates. Call for details.
  • Need your old data moved to a new drive or system? Let us do that for you.
  • Need your old floppies, Zips, Syquests, etc. moved to CD or DVD - give us a call.

ABOUT HEADGAP REFURBISHED COMPUTERS: What makes us different is we not only clean and thoroughly test each system, we many times replace the hard drives, optical drives, memory with upgraded replacements. Operator Headgap Systems purchases good used Mac systems in quantity. Our professional staff of refurbishers clean, perform over 50 diagnostic tests including DOD level drive formatting. All our systems come smartly configured and ready to use. Our refurbished used Mac Computers come with the required cables and cords (except keyboards unless noted, use your old one or available extra). We even include a free mouse pad. We offer a quality refurbished product at the lowest possible price and stand behind our systems with a 90 day warranty. Why use reconditioned equipment? Read more.

NICELY CONFIGURED?: When you select any of our systems you get not only the basic system software preinstalled. We update the OS software to the latest version. We also install many open source, freeware and shareware programs and configure them for use on your system. For example LibreOffice is an Open Source Clone of Office for the Mac. It allows you to open and save Word, PowerPoint, Excel file in their formats making it easy to exchange your work with other Office users. We also install Flip4Mac and Perian which extends Quicktime allowing you to playback many types of multimedia files like .divx and .wmv in a larger variety of formats. Firefox and TenFour Fox gives you an additional browser choice over Apple's Safari and much, much more. On older PPC equipped systems including G4 and G5 models we install an update Flash Plugin allowing better YouTube playback. Plus we always include the OSX Kitchen Sink that is chock full of other programs you may find useful and wish to add for use with your new system.

TRADE-INS OR SELL YOUR OLD MAC Remember we pay wholesale prices. Many times when you are ready to upgrade your old used Apple computer system may not be worth much, especially to a dealer who is used to buying in quantity at wholesale prices and has the units shipped in bulk truck freight. Boxing and shipping your old system costs a few dollars. Here lately we have been having more trouble locating older systems people are still buying. We will begin offering trade-ins or to buy outright certain older systems. The following are on the list: used PowerMac G4, QuickSilver G4, G3 Desktops, PowerMac 7300, Quadra or Centris 650, 800, 840, and Mac IICI's and SI's. The units need to be cosmetically in good condition and working (at least chiming). Trade in value will vary from the top wholesale price for extra clean, that exceed stock configurations and down for less that prime units. We are also purchasing good used Apple Desktop Bus Mouse II ADB Mice, working StyleWriters, and SCSI & USB Zip Drives. WE BUY USED SONNET G4 AGP PROCESSORS.

We are also purchasing good used Apple Desktop Bus Mouse II ADB Mice and ADB Keyboards.

Email your list: cheryn or use the online form for quotes.

RECYCLING If you have computing Macintosh items and hate to throw them away but figure they have little or no value in todays market, rather than dumping them to a landfill, write us with a list. Email: cheryn or the online form. Any of the items we can use we will pay your shipping. You can rest assured that we will put your old Mac items back into circulation either using them to repair old equipment or including the items with systems. All hard drives are thoroughly DOD level formatted so have no fear about any data left on a hard drive. We properly recycle any items we end up having to discard. We do not accept CRT type monitors or LaserWriters (too heavy and little value).

UPGRADING THE OFFICE? We buy quantities of Mac systems & components. Email: cheryn or use the online form for quotes.

Bob's OSX Install Notes
for Beige G3 Systems for B&W G3 Systems for G4 Systems See my High Sierra 10.13 Notes
mac 1/2AA 3.6V lithium battery replaces brands like saft, tadiran, maxell for mac computers
3.6V Mac Battery! 4.5V Mac Battery!!

We know that many of you have come to depend on us for your Macintosh battery needs. Consider us your source for superior Mac batteries. We are distributors for the premium long lasting 3.6V 1/2AA Lithium Mac Battery 1200mAh for the Macintosh! ULTRALIFE's are now in stock and shipping! NOBODY SELLS FRESHER MAC BATTERIES THAN WE DO. Manufacture date stamped right on the battery. We purchase these batteries factory fresh and have them airfreighted in quantity. Our low $8.99 price includes domestic shipping. Call for quantity discounts (10 or more). Select the battery category when you arrive and place your order securely. We also stock factory fresh 4.5V alkaline batteries that work in many Performa's and older Macs. We have iMacG5, Mac Mini, G5 Tower, Mac Pro, Lithium Coin Cells & lower prices on popular iBook, PowerBook, MacBook, MacBook Pro batteries!

We take School PO's and offer quantity discounts! Fax your P.O. to 405-445-0796   

Attention Headgap Customers! To provide the most secure environment for safe online purchases, we have added a simple additional step to our ordering procedures. In order to complete your credit card transactions, you will need to enter your credit card number, expiration date and CVV2, CVC2 or CID code on our secure server when ordering. These codes can be found on the back of your credit card (on the front for American Express). We want to keep things as simple as possible but find we must add this additional step to insure your security. If you have any problems please call our toll free order number listed above during business hours. We are always happy to help! Contact Us

MAIL ORDERS: We will accept money orders (treated as cash) and personal checks (held for clearance) via mail but please allow additional processing time. Mail your orders to:

Operator Headgap Systems
7308 S. Klein
OKC, OK 73139

Make sure you include a shipping address and a phone number. Keep in mind that personal checks may take up to two weeks to clear. Money orders are faster for us to process. All payments must be in U.S. funds.

International Customers Read This before ordering

SHIPPING INFO: All in stock orders are packed the next 2 or 3 days. We strive to have all items shown in our store in stock. The exception is systems and we still prepare them one at a time to order. We don't carry the depth we use to in systems and it may require 7 to 10 days especially those that are custom builds. We appreciate your patience and business. Should any item be out of stock we will contact you either via email or phone to let you determine what you want to do. Depending on your order we normally ship one of three ways. Small orders both in size and dollars are generally mailed. Items of size and or value are shipped either FedEx Ground or UPS Ground depending on the area you live in. When your order is entered you will receive an email receipt, after it is processed and shipped you will receive an additional email notice (assuming you gave us a valid email) with your tracking number on UPS or FedEx orders. All large orders have to be signed for. Shipping is always included in the bottom line price of your order. No additional charges are added (except for sales tax in Oklahoma). Call if you need express shipping.


valuable information about legacy Mac Systems
Our friends at EveryMac.com have valuable information about legacy Mac Systems including the original specifications of many of the machines we sell. Click the button to visit their site.

g4 power supply available hereHeadgap Welcome Web BBS | Fun Stuff | Site Links | Business | Shop Now | TeleFinder

 Read Bob's Power Mac G5 Tech Tips


Prices subject to change without notice.

Apple, Apple Macintosh, Macintosh, Mac, MacOS, Mac Pro, Power Macintosh, iMac, iTunes, Disc Burner, iPod,
Quadra, Centris, Performa, FireWire, LaserWriter, StyleWriter, Finder, SuperDrive, Aiport, Airport Extreme, iChat, iSight,
Safari, Sequoia, Sonoma, Ventura, Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion,
Snow Leopard, Leopard, Jaguar, Tiger, Panther, Spotlight, Xcode and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
All other trademarks are properties of their prospective owners.
All pages for this web site were built and hosted using our used refurbished Power Mac computers.
Still no viruses for OSX systems, why would anyone use a PC?

headgapstore.com - buy used macs here, refurbished G5 macs truckload sale